Ava DuVernay is the name on everybody’s lips at present. Not only has she directed Jay Z’s new female-led film clip for his latest single Family Feud, but she also is the woman behind Disney’s adaption of A Wrinkle In Time due for release in the coming months.
Starring Reese Witherspoon (who has joined the new Time’s Up initiative), Mindy Kaling (who also stars in the aforementioned film clip) and Oprah Winfrey, the film is the latest adaption of the 1962 novel of the same name by Madeleine L’Engle.
It follows the story of Meg Murry who is trying to find her father (played by Chris Pine) who is imprisoned on a distant planet. Meg is led through the universe by three celestial guides, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit, played by Winfrey, Kaling and Witherspoon respectively.
The film is slated for release on March 9, 2018, however we’ve just been given another taste of what to expect with the release of a brand new trailer, plus three animated movie posters which you can see below…
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It has just been announced that the top three highest grossing domestic films of 2107 were all led by women and it’s looking like 2108 might just follow suit. In the meantime, discover our edit of the can’t-miss films for the year ahead.