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Refresh, rejuvenate, reset
From tailored five-star services to understanding our inner complex biochemistry, here's what you need to know about wellness treatment of the future...

The Kusnacht Practice has an unrivalled reputation for multiple reasons. Dubbed “the world’s most exclusive treatment centre”, The Kusnacht Practice offers a holistic and bespoke service to private individuals – and trust us when we say, the elite of the elite go there. It feels like a luxury hotel than a medical facility.

Boasting over a decade worth of patients, what lies at the core of the treatment facility is privacy and individualism, offering tailored treatments with world-renowned doctors, psychotherapists, counsellors and nutritionists – all available to visit the luxury villas of each client directly. With The Kusnacht Practice, it’s not only about the time you spend there as there’s also a focus on aftercare, ensuring that the treatment is the first step towards living a successful (and healthier) life ahead. 

A key service offering is the introduction of the Bio-R programme which really dives deep into revitalising and recalibrating your mind, body and energy through science. Using rigorous laboratory testing to design your new life, the holistic and 360-degree nature of this treatment is unrivalled. To learn more about the biomolecular restoration approach and The Kusnacht Practice, read our interview below…

What is the history of The Kusnacht Practice?

The Kusnacht Practice was founded in 2008 and initially, when we were founded, we were very much into addiction. We were world leaders in terms of addiction and psychiatric disorders but meanwhile, over the years, our service offering has really been developed further – especially in the Bio-R field, who are really innovators in the field. Today, we still treat addiction, but we also have behavioural disorders which go into trauma, depression or eating disorders, and we also have a fully internal medicine department, as well as the Bio-R field as we mentioned. One more thing that is really unique for us is that we treat clients in privacy with their own personal villas which we have in Lake Zurich and in Geneva. 

What is the company’s mission?

What we say is we’re paving the way for sustainable life changes so this is really what we do, every day. If someone needs a change in their lives, we accompany them throughout the process. Our core expertise is certainly with behavioural and psychological problems or addiction, and clients will come in during the first treatment to treat this or manage to live with it in a healthier way and function again. Then they will have a second programme which focuses on longevity and delaying ageing processes and consolidating their health – physically, emotionally and cognitively – because they got over the first problem and now, they would like to have an impact on the quality of life, as long as possible. 

It’s been dubbed as the “world’s exclusive treatment centre”. What are some of the elements of the practice that make it luxurious or the most exclusive?

Everything is totally personalised. The programs are really adjusted to the client in every way, and we treat them fully holistically meaning, we basically have our in-house doctors who work very closely and they’re aligned like clockwork together. We also offer an in-house counsellor who is almost like a client’s best friend. He will stay with the client throughout the treatment, 24/7, and will be the first point of contact if something is needed. Every client also has their own private nutritional chef who will come in and prepare gourmet meals according to what they need during the treatment, and there’s also housekeeping and a personal chauffeur. From A-Z, we take care of the client as soon as they arrive. It’s a very intense treatment and we are very successful because it is intense. 

Can you tell us more about the innovative Bio-R programme? What is it and how does it work?

The Bio-R programme is a programme that analyses our inner complex biochemistry and it’s about how we feel and how we get older. The ageing process is a biochemical process that leads to diseases. With the Bio-R programme, we go one step further than what the classical check-ups in conventional medicine offer where you look for diseases and then you treat the symptoms. Instead, we look at the complex constellation before getting sick and see where there are any deficiencies, metabolic stress factors, imbalances and in another way, where we stand while looking at our biological age and the ageing process. We don’t only look at micronutrients and vitamin status, we look further. We do an in-depth insight, and we have an assessment which gives us an overview of what our actual health problems are concerns, weaknesses and expectations, and based on this information, we tailor a Bio-R treatment programme for one, focusing on one hand. Supplementation is one pillar of the programme and the second phase is longevity and health, and we also have specific ones that boost our rejuvenation levels and process. What we live every day for the whole year is key for longevity and health. 

What causes some of the biochemical imbalances in our bodies?

On one hand, if the body is not well-nourished, you get some deficiencies. I’m very surprised sometimes at how people think they eat well but I see that it can never cover the need of certain micronutrients. Also, chronic stress on the other hand increases the need for micronutrients such as magnesium and others, and with stress, people tend to eat unhealthy meals. When it comes to food specifically, there are certain foods that promote these pathways towards eating too much processed, unhealthy foods. Chronic stress is key to not having the time to spend on the table for a proper meal. 

When I hear reverse ageing, my mind immediately thinks of skin and specifically, anti-ageing skincare products. But the reverse ageing programme is from within. How important is it for us to be more educated on looking at our biochemistry to slow down the ageing process?

Clients are more and more careful about their inner vitality and inner longevity, and I don’t know if it’s linked to the covid situation, but I feel that people want to look more into their inner health and inner beauty, and sometimes we can combine them. I observed that there is more awareness of what is really making us more healthy and feel better, sustainably. The other part is more cosmetic which can support feeling better but this is not sustainable. 

When will you be able to notice/feel a difference?

This is always depending on the actual initial situation. Of course, if somebody has a lot of self-harming behaviours, neglecting the diet and no physical workout, a client will feel like a different person in the first week. The body will feel the difference very quickly. Now, when there is another profile of a client who is feeling healthy but wants to know their biological age, they also feel the benefit but not in the first week. We experience the benefits with time. 

After the COVID period when most of the world was on lockdown, did you notice the impact being in isolation had on your patients?

For sure! Yes, we noticed young people feeling more isolated and had the tendency for more substance abuse. Covid has an impact on a psychological level on clients and numbers show it clearly. There were many more younger people suffering from depression and on the other hand, the post-Covid immune system strengthening was more of an interest for clients. We also offer this in addition to conventional medical care. 

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