In a heartbreaking turn of events for the fashion world, Y/Project, the Paris-based brand known for its experimental designs and avant-garde creations, has officially shut its doors. After a 14-year run that saw the brand become a cult favorite among fashion enthusiasts and A-listers alike, Y/Project couldn’t weather the storm of industry challenges and has ceased operations following the failure to find a buyer.
Launched in 2010 by the late Yohan Serfaty, Y/Project carved out a niche with its trademark “twisted” constructions and unique approach to streetwear and high fashion. Creative director Glenn Martens took over the reins in 2013 after Serfaty’s tragic death, guiding the brand through its most celebrated and experimental years. Under Martens’ creative direction, Y/Project flourished, garnering critical acclaim and a loyal following. Y/Project was also honored with the ANDAM Grand Prize in 2017, a milestone that marked its evolution into a global fashion force.
However, despite the accolades, the brand could not escape the financial realities facing the fashion industry. The last several years have been particularly tough for smaller luxury labels, with political and economic uncertainty, slow payments from retailers, and the lingering effects of the pandemic causing widespread disruptions. Attempts to secure a buyer were ultimately unsuccessful, with Hong Kong-based asset management firm AA Investments submitting a lowball offer of just 45,000 euros, which the brand declined.
Y/Project’s closure serves as another casualty in a year marked by the shuttering of several small but influential fashion brands, including Mara Hoffman and Dion Lee. Yet, the legacy of Y/Project will live on, as it has made arrangements to donate several archive pieces to institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, Palais Gallierain Paris, and Antwerp’s MoMu Fashion Museum. The brand’s supporters and its team, who helped shape its distinctive identity, are expressing their gratitude as the final chapter of Y/Project’s journey draws to a close.