The Lady Dior handbag has become quintessential to the maison’s overall spirit. The timeless icon has constantly been spotted on just about every fashion enthusiast out there and it never ceases to disappoint every time the classic piece has been reinvented.
The iconic handbag carries the signature codes, exquisite craftsmanship and couture savoir-faire of the luxury label and so, when the piece of arm candy lands on the laps of major artists across the globe, it quite literally becomes a unique piece of art.
As part of Dior’s Lady Art project (now in its fourth edition), Dior has tapped 11 different artists from around the world to add their own imagination to the piece.
An ode to freedom and creativity, artists including Joana Vasconcelos, Rina Banerjee, Wang Guangle, Marguerite Humeau, Jia Lee, Maria Nepomuceno, Mickalene Thomas, Kohei Nawa, Eduardo Terrazas, Raqib Shaw and Athi-Patra Ruga have each infused their artistic vision to the Lady Dior, all whilst keeping the excellence of its savoir-faire.
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The limited edition Dior Lady Art handbags are now exclusively available at the Dior boutique in The Dubai Mall.
Now, take a look at when Dior X Shawn Stussy collaborated on the men’s 2020 autumn collection.