Netflix has just updated its library for the month, and these are the top five titles worth watching...
Let’s be honest — it can be difficult to know what to watch on Netflix. That’s why, we’ve narrowed down the newest films to join Netflix’s library and the only thing you have to do is sit back and enjoy the show.
Chernobyl 1986
‘After reuniting with a lost love, firefighter Alexey retires to begin a new life but the Chernobyl disaster suddenly plunges him back into danger.’
Available July 21.
The Last Letter From Your Lover
‘After finding a trove of love letters from the 1960s, a journalist sets out to solve the mystery of a secret affair. The film is based on the novel by Jojo Moyes.’
Available July 23.
The Water Man
‘Desperate to save his ailing mother, 11-year-old Gunner runs away from home on a quest to find a mythic figure rumoured to have the power to cheat death.’
Available July 9.
Me Before You
‘Vivacious, unassuming Lou faces pointed questions of the heart when she takes a job caring for a wealthy, cynical bachelor paralyzed in an accident.’
Available July 1.
Outer Banks Season 2
‘Season 2 tests the crew like never before as the hit series returns for another round of summer adventures.’